1. GCP Networking

Before delving into GCP's Cloud Load Balancing service, it's crucial to understand GCP's unique network architecture, which differs significantly from most public cloud platforms on the market. Many customers with experience in other public clouds often encounter misconceptions when deploying GCP's network services. The following provides a brief overview of the unique differences in Google's network architecture.


GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing


As depicted in the diagram above, most public clouds (using AWS as an example here) typically design their VPC networks based on regions, with each region being isolated from others. In contrast, GCP separates VPCs and then attaches them to regions. This design logic allows GCP's network to have higher availability and easier cross-regional access.

2. Overview of Cloud Load Balancing

Given the overall network architecture differences on GCP, the Cloud Load Balancing service offers global network services across regions. It leverages Anycast IP to provide global cross-regional load balancing capabilities, including automatic failover between multiple regions, ensuring low-latency and high availability access from any region via the same IP address.

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

Cloud Load Balance Anycast 示意圖

Key features of Cloud Load Balancing include:


  • Utilizing Anycast IP as the access frontend
  • Load balancers that scale automatically without the need for manual intervention
  • Support for Layer 4 & Layer 7 requests
  • Integration with Google Cloud CDN for caching static content through simple configuration Leveraging Google's global network infrastructure to provide Cloud Load Balancing with low latency and high availability
3. Simple Deployment of Cloud Load Balancing





Cloud Load Balancing offers multiple modes. The following flowchart enables users to quickly find the appropriate load balancing service according to their needs.


GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

如何選擇使用哪一種負載均衡類型 (圖片來源:Google Cloud Documentation)


Set up GCP Cloud Load Balancing, which can be found in the Network product services.
GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

Choose to use HTTP(S) load balancing for this demonstration.


GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

Select whether the load balancing mode operates on the Internet or Intranet environment.

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

Create backend services:

  • Backend services (can be GCE, GKE, App Engine, external target services, etc.)
  • Backend buckets (Cloud Storage)

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing



Set up backend service > Configure backend type (this demonstration uses an external backend).

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

Configure backend target service, including options for CDN static caching and Armor security settings (this demonstration selects the public internet for external target services).

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

After completing the backend configuration, you can proceed to configure the frontend settings. If HTTPS is required, you will need to add a certificate.

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing


Review the configuration and create it

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing



After completion, select the frontend to view the IP provided by Cloud Load Balancing.

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing


GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

Verify that the website is being proxied through Cloud Load Balancing. Test the Cloud Load Balancing IP from different countries to verify that it is an Anycast IP.GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing

GCP Architecture in Depth: Cloud Load Balancing







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